Salon pohištva Šmigoc

Dnevni regal Hektor

Redna cena: 239,87 €
Nova cena: 179,90 € (z DDV)
Prihranite: 25%

Dnevni regal Hektor|Moderen regal Hektor 1

Barva: bela laminat/bela visok sijaj

Material: iveral (MDF)


Kvalitetno izdelano pohištvo ponuja možnost sestave po elementih.

Cena je za sestav, ki vključuje:

  • komoda dvodelna s steklom 90/130/37
  • TV element daljši 180/34/50
  • viseča enodelna vitrina 60/128/37
  • polica 170/22/22

Dimenzije sestava (š/v/g) 330/207/50


Opombe: Rok dobave 4 - 6 tednov. Garancija: 12 mesecev na morebitne skrite napake.

Več info. na, (T: 02/ 843 11 30) ali, (T:02/ 775 41 00.



Renowned furniture trademarks

In our showrooms we offer furniture from renowned manufactures

Contact details

PE Maribor
Tržaška cesta 14, 2000 Maribor

P: +386 (0)2 77 54 106
P: +386 (0)2 77 54 107
E:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

PE Ptuj
Spuhlja 79a, 2250 Ptuj

P: +386 (0)2 775 41 01
F: +386 (0)2 775 41 05
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

PE Slovenska Bistrica
Trg Svobode 12, 2310 Slovenska Bistrica

P: +386 (0)2 843 11 30
F: +386 (0)2 843 11 31
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

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